March 7, 2010

New arrangement

12th Feb 2010
So, this new arrangement of me working half days has been carried out for 2 weeks. How do I feel? Do the kids like it? Well, personally, I still have some getting use to do. Jobwise, at times, it is quite rush, having to squeeze in work into half a day. Sometimes, some documents are piling up when I go in for work. Right now, I am still on unpaid half day leaves until the arrangement gets the go-ahead with the top management. But, other than workload, I still bear full responsibility for the functioning of the department. So, the company doesn’t lose out at all.

On the home front, I think I can manage better since I spend more time with the kids. I get to know if they have certain problems with their schoolwork which they need mummy to coach them. As much as I want to be there for them, I also want them to learn to be more independent. So, I will try to work in the “background’ when they are attempting some questions, or finishing up their homework. I will try not to push them too much. Balancing schoolwork and playtime is important.

Kids. I can sense they don’t miss the childcare this time round, since they still get to see their friends at school and still go to the childcare when I need to work full-time during the first week of the month.

When I asked them, “ Do you prefer to stay at home, or go to the childcare?” Both would say without hesitation, “Home!”. “ Why?” Reply:” Food!” Gee…. Kids are kids, you can please them just by giving them their favourite foods. For 2 weeks, I have not repeated the lunch menu. It was mixture of healthy food (fish/chicken porridge, salmon with spaghetti, macaroni , fried noodles, ) plus some kids fave eg. (burger, hotdogs/egg sandwiches, curry mee). They even get to bring food to school for recess on some days. So, it is a stone that can kill many birds.
But, many people ask me whether I really need to sacrifice this way. Yes, I am going ahead with this arrangement. Tired, I maybe, but at least I have to try and make the most out of this. Of course, I hope things turn out the way we expect it to be eg. kids’ schoolwork improve, communication gets better etc. But however, I want to tell myself not to expect sky high on the kids’ results, since it will be added pressure to everyone.

So, for this Chinese New Year, let’s let our hair down. I am going to give the kids a break from their schoolwork. I am giving myself a break too. Yeah… HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!

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