July 27, 2010

Thank you!

Thank you, my dear Aunty Peck, for while looking out for foods that are suitable for cancer patients, I have come across some nutritious foods and ways to keep the deadly disease at bay. I have stumbled upon Cosmo Soy Love and the goodness of ten grain, and after that read many articles on alkaline or acidic foods and how we should take care of our body. Now, I fully advocate healthy living and eating. We are what we eat. After our eyes are opened, our whole family are very conscious of our food intake.

Thank you, the company where I work in, for allowing me to work half days on some days, so that I can focus on my kids. The kids are more than happy to have mummy stay-at-home until it is time to go to school. Although, at times, due to work circumstances, I needed to arrange for the kids to go to the childcare because I need to work full-day,  I understand this will pass, and I will have the flexibility of being with the kids after the busy period is over. I should consider myself luckier than most other people.

Thank you, my dear mummy, for being there for me when I am down or having problems with the kids. She never fails to give me the most valuable advice. Previously, I used to grumble, or complain because she used to be quite strict with me. Now, I know she does it for my good. I am what I am today, because of her guidance. Thank you, once again. I love you!

Do you have anything that you are thankful for? Feel free to drop by and contribute your thankfuls! 

July 26, 2010

Anti Cancer Pumpkin Soup

After using the Cosmo SoyLove blender pot, I have come across many nutritious drink/blends that has goodness you don't know you miss.

Pumpkin is said to be rich in anti-oxidant and the pumpkin seed is especially good for man to prevent prostate cancer. Recipe below is good for keeping the deadly disease at bay. But of course, we must watch our other food intakes too. It is no miracle, just by itself.


Quarter of a pumpkin
1 tomato
1 carrrot
1 bombay onion
1300 ml of water

Cut all the ingredients into cube and placed it in the pot. Since there is a lot of stuffs, you do not use the filter basket. All of the ingredients can be blended well too.

After done, add some salt to taste. For cancer patients, use sea salt.

July 25, 2010

Dye hair using henna - Part III

And ... ta da... the result of the gruelling 5 hours.... is a pretty redhead. Ha! just joking. In case, some of you might get a shock, I decided to post the result/ colour of dyeing hair with henna. As mentioned, it is a little brownish red. The portion where there is more white hair will be more red. Other black hair portion will not be very red. Therefore, if you have a crown of white hair before this, you will turn into redhead. Otherwise, if your white hair is only at the root, or only a few strands, this henna treatment will only be like a hair mask and adds body to your hair.

Enough said, my handsome model...

Even handsome, he is still unwilling to show face.

From the back

Anybody game for a try?

July 24, 2010

Dye hair using natural henna - Part II

Here's some visual:
The Henna paste after it has been mixed with olive oil, tea and egg.
Note the texture.

Start dyeing on a slightly wet hair, and start from the
lower back layer by layer.

Always make sure the root of the hair is thoroughly covered with
the henna paste.
When done, the whole head will look like this. Yucky, isn't it?
Well, want to be handsome, no choice...

Put shower cap on. Since we want it to be like a hair mask,
can use 2 or 3 shower caps.

Leave it on for 5 hours and after that, wash off with tap water. Do not wash hair with shampoo on the same day.             

July 23, 2010

Dye hair using natural henna - Part I

Everytime, I see someone who dyes their hair with commercial off-the-shelve products or at the salon, I can't help telling them, " Hei, there is this natural alternative that is healthier and will not have side effect."

I know this, and I can safely guarantee because my mum and hubby have been using this for many years, and my mum has hair softer than mine. She is so proud of her hair and loves it whenever anyone compliments it.

So, you see, the secret is henna; it is a natural herbal product, used by Indians for their traditional designs on their hands and legs. Malays also use it during their 'akad nikah' ceremony.
1) For short hair, half a pack of henna (as in picture above) - only cost RM 2 (cheap cheap)
Long hair - one pack
2) Thick tea
3) 1 tsp of  olive oil
4) 1 egg white

Mix all 4 ingredients above until it becomes paste like. Texture is important as too watery means it will drip all over when we comb into the hair, too dry makes combing difficult. After a good texture is obtained, comb henna paste into hair (start from the hair at the back layer by layer, you need to bend the head down) . Preferably get your hubby/wife/girlfren/boyfren to do for you, to get optimum result.

After the whole head of hair is thoroughly covered with henna paste, wrap the head with shower caps (3 layers) and maybe cover with another layer of towel or cap. This has the natural body heat effect like when you have a hair treatment in the salon with those machines heating your hair up! Keep this on for 5 hours. Meanwhile, you can go about your daily routine. After that, wash it off without shampoo. Only wash your hair with shampoo on the next day to ensure colour stays.

The result is the part of the hair that is white, will be reddish brown. Some like the colour, some don't. But it is better than having white hairs on your head, right?

Happy dyeing hair! We want to be pretty and healthy at the same time. So, this is a good alternative that I would like to share with everyone.

July 20, 2010

Be thankful!

Sometimes, the slightest thing can make us grumble, a little comment from your co-worker can provoke us and spoil our whole day, a little mannerism  problem from the kids can set us off . Well, let me tell you, and you know it, it is all not worth it. At the end of the day, we tell ourselves, why did we waste our time, our energy, our youth, our previous feel-good moment on matters as trivial as it could be.

If only human being have a sense of gratitude, we will all be happier. Be thankful for a brand new day that we are able to breathe, that we are able to carry our day-to-day routine, appreciate the flowers that grace the roadside, enjoy the coffee smell from the kopi tiam, or even the cute pup who sometimes make you laugh with their silly antics.

We should focus on what is right today, rather than what irritated us, or who or so-and -o has done or has not done etc.  We should all do this; take a moment during the day, to jot down three things that happened today for which we are grateful.  Why was it good? Who played a role  in what you recalled, and how it impacted your life?  At the end of the day, we will be thoroughly thankful with what we have, the friends we met, the time we share with our family and in turn we will try to spread this good feeling and love to the people around us and make sure they also feel the same.

July 19, 2010

Finally Over!

Yeah, busy time is finally over! And at last, I can go back to my normal routine! And I  hope I can blog as usual. Sorry for the long pause.  Keep you updated, whenever I come across anything interesting.

Meanwhile,  I have helped my mum create a new blog of her own and she is over the moon. Here's Cook in a Jiffy! Let's all share and share alike.