November 23, 2008

Dog or No Dog?

The latest topic in the house is about the word ‘dog’. It probably started because I was toying with the idea of letting the kids have a pet since they have never had one, except for some small fishes. Actually, my idea was to get something small and manageable, eg hamster or rabbits. This is to let the kids learn to take responsibility and also to cultivate their caring attitudes towards animals. But recently we saw some puppies at a pet shop while out for lunch, and there you go, it is “dog-talk” everyday.

The puppies we saw were some mix breed of chi hua hua dog and miniature pinscher. My husband wanted to get a small dog that can be brought around even when we travel on trips and that can be trained. And most importantly, it cannot be too expensive (of course $$ is the biggest concern), considering we are going to be amateur dog rearers!

So, we told the kids the conditions before getting the dog. We told them that they need to show us that they need to be able to take care of themselves first before they want to take care of the dog. By that, we meant that, they will need take responsibility for their own schoolwork, toys, other belongings, their own cleanliness etc. etc.

The next thing they talk about is about where to put the dog. My husband suggested the toilet, since we have to train the dog to poo-poo at the right place. He even wanted to let the dog wander around in the house! By now, I am beginning to think this is not a good idea. Eeeks! As it is, I have tonnes of housework to complete after work, some more need to take care of another life in the house, which may be running around the house, messing up the place.

Gee, cannot lah, not good idea… but then, all three of them are already very enthusiastic about it. I don’t want to be the wet blanket. Me and my big mouth…

November 19, 2008

How to manage one’s temper?

This is something that I have not been able to master for so many years. But it is also something that I feel I am in better control when I am at work, rather than at home. Why? Probably at work, one tend to be more civil, courteous and watchful of one’s action, keeping up with appearances etc. However, at home, since you are all comfortable, and it is like the balloon beginning let off its air, you tend to heave a sigh of relief and let go! Phew! And that is when there is no refrain and you say what you want to say.

So, how to prevent from saying the wrong thing and doing the regrettable at home?

Sometimes, when the kids are at loggerhead with each other, I tend to lose it. Resolution: I resolve to walk away the next time it happen again, never taking sides again, never saying ‘you should this , you should that’.

Sometimes, when my daughter repeats the same mistakes or is being lazy at schoolwork, I tend to lose it. Resolution: I will tell her in a firm tone, making sure it is not in any way, intimidating or seen as scolding her. I resolve to listen to her more and after that reason with her. If explanation not taken, I will find a more suitable time to broach the subject with her.

Sometimes, when I have too many things to do at home and everything seems to be waiting for me to complete, I tend to lose it. I would try to prioritise my tasks. The ‘to-do’ list is never ending and one can never complete them. So, I resolve to take things easy. Outsource wherever possible, otherwise close one eye to all those dirt and grease. (this I learn from my husband!)

This is my very own resolution list for year 2009. (Is it too early for a resolution lists?) Maybe more will come. Just one to keep myself in perspective since I am stepping into another “life”.

Mummy goes to work again!

18th November
I am writing this offline, hoping to post this when I have the internet connection again.
Today, will be my 2nd day back to work, juggling home and work once more. Not like I have never done it, ok lah, not too bad. Things are not too bad, since its school holidays, and the kids do not have homework to do . And also since work momentum has not started yet.

How are the kids taking it? They are quite oblivious to the change, since the only the question that came from them and which I thought was quite cute “ Mummy, did your Boss scold you?” They seemed more adaptable since they are already used to going to the childcare. Hope this continues.

I am trying very hard to look at things on the brighter side. So, let’s hope and keep up the positive tone!

November 10, 2008

Multi-tasking Mummy

Actually, I think I need to change the title of this blog and the about this blog narration as well. No, it is not that I am turning this into politic blog or a food blog or etc. It is because I have made another major decision, I am going back to work! A job offer came knocking and I have decided to grab it!

It is undeniable that my previous reservations are still there and I have no qualms that I prefer to stay at home and be with the kids. However, rationale I am, I think in times of economy uncertainty like this, we will be more secured with 2 income in a family rather than 1. So, I have decided to go back there again! But I have enjoyed updating this blog and hope to continue to update life’s rants and thoughts and parenting trials and errors.

What about my kids? Well, in these few months, we have come to conclude that my daughter needs to take time to change her attitude as a person and her outlook towards her own responsibility and schoolwork. So, therefore, I have decided to step back, and let her learn it. But of course, kids need lots of guidance and supervision which I hope to be able do, while I am multi-tasking between being an accountant, a house cleaner, a mother, a wife, a teacher or a cook.

Coincidence, I am actually supposed to go back to work today, but with the kids down with chicken pox, I have to defer work to next week. Hope they recover when mummy need to put on that high heels again!

Anyhow, good luck to me in my new job and hope this works out!

The kids get chicken pox!

Strike 4D already! Both the kids have chicken pox! So, this is something for all mothers to take precaution of. Even though your kids may have already been vaccinated for chicken pox, they may get infected with the virus again. Beats me, but it happened!

Last Wednesday, my daughter told me, “Mummy, I have 2 spots here on my belly. “ I didn’t think much of it and sent her off to school. And the next morning, “Voila, what do we have, 2 kiddoes with spots all over the body”. Even my son have those spots with watery stuffs in it, though considerably mild.

So, the doctor confirmed its chicken pox, we are all grounded for 2 weeks at least. And the kids will have to miss the school concert which has been scheduled for this Friday (14th Nov), I guess. It is a real pity since they have already prepared and rehearsed for it. What more, my son is to get the much awaited prize for winning 2nd place in his kindy class.

Well, now, I am cracking my head over how to entertain these 2 kids who have too much time at home and what to cook for them taking note of all the taboos (dark sauces, beans, prawns, chicken, eggs are to be scrapped from the menu). So, it is quite a challenge too. And on top of that, there is a third patient in the house, the papa has a swelling gum due to a major dental surgery on Friday!

So, the things I cooked for the patients range from macaroni, noodles in anchovies soup, promfret porridge, pork porridge, bee hoon soup. I gave them mushroom soup too, but I guess that should not be given as well. Running of of ideas soon!

They have done almost all the things we can think of eg. played dinosaurs, Barbie dolls, build contruction lorries, played Jumpstart, watched Atlantis, Madagascar replay, drew Papa bear, done some holiday homework etc. I guess we will have to reserve the other activities for the many more days to come.

The other Chinese taboos, means the kids can’t take bath, wash hair, go play outdoor, etc etc. Anyway, I thought otherwise, so I let them take their daily bath, with warm water and wash hair on alternate days. I believe they have to be kept clean and cool, so that the blisters don’t get infected or multiply.

Other to-dos means making them a lot of cooling stuffs eg. barley water, liang cha, let them take pearl powder, yellow coconut juice etc. All these must be taken in moderation, in case their cough comes back.
The poor kids kept complaining of itchiness, esp. my daughter since she has some really big blisters. So, I started telling them my very own experience with chicken pox which was much more worse than theirs. And they were rather consoled and started asking, " Did you have them in your hair, eyes, belly button too?, Did you look into the mirror?". So, the Princess Scratch-All and Mr. Tortoise Eat-Slow kept jabbing me with questions about my own quest with the irritable ordeal.

Can’t spend time blogging too long, need to get back to the kids.

November 4, 2008

Kids Game

The kids thoroughly enjoyed some online games in the weekends. Let them take a break since the exams are over. Well, actually mummy has some hidden agenda. Some of the games eg. Kidsknowit, Starfall is suppose to be educational. But I think at the same time, it is not too stressful type.

My girl loves the memory game at KidsKnowIt, because she could finish all 11 levels twice! But next, I will like to find some more relaxing games for her to balance up. And the little boy likes some leaping frog and dinosaurs (as usual) games. Kidsknowit is probably for children age 7 and above. But my son likes to do whatever his sister does.!

For the younger kids there are other games eg. PBSKids,, NickJr, SesameStreet and many more.

Sometimes, interactive games are good for kids, esp. in this modern age. But we don’t want them to lose control and spend all day in front of the computer. So, I always only allow them an hour in front of it. And we have to be selective in the games they indulge in. I will definitely rule out those violent games!