May 29, 2010

Bo Bo Cha Cha Dessert

A healthy variant to our traditional "bo bo cha cha" dessert (except there is no coconut milk needed!)

  1. 1 diced Sweet potato
  2. 1/3 of a yam (diced)
  3. a handful of cashew nuts
  4. 3 tbsp of ten grain
  5. 1300 ml of water
  6. Pandan leaf

Put half of item 1. and 2. into the fllter barrel of the Cosmo Soylove, and other half outside the barrel (so that we can bite). Add ten grain into the filter barrel. Pandan leaf goes outside the barrel. Press no.2.

After 30 minutes, we have a nice dessert of "bo bo cha cha"!

May 24, 2010

Mushroom Soup recipe

So, here's a healthy mushroom soup (as opposed to the ones in can, or those recipes that require to include cream)

150 gm diced chicken fillet
1 diced potato
5 mushroom (chopped in the blender)
Half a bombay onion
3 tbsp of ten grain
1300 ml of water

Put chicken, onion, potato, onion and mushroom into the filter barrel. Some potato and mushroom can be left outside the filter barrel so the kids can find it!

Use button 2. After it is done (30 minutes), pour out the soup and add salt, pepper to taste. Yummy! and very healthy. Important thing, the kids love it!

I made this last week and I am going to make it again on Wednesday. Never gonna buy those in the mushroom soup in the can anymore!

May 19, 2010

Blender cum pot

Now, I read and heard about the 10 grains, but didn't bother to change my diet, thinking it cumbersome to cook. Now, I came across it again, by accident, when I was getting this blender cum pot for my cancer stricken aunty. Blogged about the goodness of 10 grains, now I will tell you a little about this blender cum pot.

Some of you may have heard of Cosmo Soylove ("yang shen qi I") . It is a thermos like pot that comes with a filter barrel and a blades (as in a blender). It boils, cook and blends in 30 minutes! I can't find an easier way to cook the 10 grains and make my whole family eat. This is the way to a healthier life!

So, I have tried some recipes recommended. 10 grains with sweet potato/sweet corn, 10 grains with pumpkin, 10 grains with black sesame etc. This morning, I tried 10 grain with mushroom/potato/ onion/chicken (its my innovation with a little tips from the recipe book) and ta da... its yummy mushroom soup for the kids! And they like it so much. Of course it does not confine to only 10 grain. You can make soy bean drink or in Korea, (where this pot originates), people make soy tofu. You can also make soups eg. pumpkin soup, spinach soup etc or baby food that needs to be soft and blended. I have not tried the other recipes, but I can say, I am impressed with this gadget.
My initial plan was to get one, so that my aunty who has intestine/colon cancer and just undergone a major operation can consume 10 grains/ other food that cancer patients can eat since she does not have much appetite. After watching the demo, my husband decided to get another unit for our family so that we can enjoy the goodness of healthy food esp. 10 grains. My mother-in law who is diabetic also will be able to enjoy its benefit.
So, here I am sharing with you this wonderful invention.

May 12, 2010

Ten Multi Grains

Let me share something I came across and I think it is good enough for everyone to consider adding in your daily consumption , for general good health!
Ten Multi Grains is made from a mixture of 5 types of coarse rice, namely brown rice, wild rice, amaranth, red rice, Kelantan red rice, as well as 5 types of grains, namely barley, buckwheat, oat groat, millet and quinoa. Recent scientific analysis shows that the Ten Multi Grains consisits of more than one hundred types of nutrients which is beneficial to our overall health and wellness, including vitamin A and B (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12), vitamin C, D, E, K, minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and microelements such as zinc, copper ad germanium. Moreover, it also contains anti-oxidants, high level of cellulose, amino acids and many more.
The ten grains rice is effective in treating high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, preventing cardiovascular blockage, regulating blood sugar, treating insomnia, assisting weight loss, treating high uric acid levels, preventing intestinal cancer, treating leucorrhea, strenghtening the body's immunity, treating constipation, as well as alleviating pain and soreness of the knee and waist. Long term consumption of the Ten Multi Grains proves to have anti-aging effects.
So, that's a whole lot of goodness, isn't it? Make a difference to your life today. Change your diet!

Deep one

It’s been so long since I last blogged. Perhaps, because I had too much thoughts to sort out.
All this time, I have only put the family on top of my priority list. Suddenly, I am thinking to myself, what do I do for myself? What do I do for myself? All this time, dare not think too much what I want to do, because always tell myself, ‘no time’.

Maybe I should find something other than work/family. I should start making small steps and accomplish one by one.
To find my answer I must first learn to love myself – do a facial with a fren, perm hair again, ask what I myself like to eat, try to 'siu myself', so that I don't get agitated by the kids, make healthy recipe for the family (oops!, that's not for me again!)
Workwise, I have taken the first step and successfully negotitated for half days with the company, but I have a feeling that this will not last long since the management is at expanding stage and may need individual who can commit more time. Maybe, need to find something else that I can have a small income, be independent, and yet have free time to do what I want.

Could it be, I have a philanthropic heart? Can I be a Tsu Chi volunteer/a social worker who visits the cancer patients? Well, this is a big step, I am not sure if I can do this. I just know that I want to help a fellow being.
Well, my Aunty Peck is fighting a battle after the 2nd operation on Monday. I hope she can be strong enough to overcome the cancer and she can regain her health as she did the last time. It makes me think, what can we do, when we are still healthy and able? Can we make a difference to another person's life?