November 19, 2008

Mummy goes to work again!

18th November
I am writing this offline, hoping to post this when I have the internet connection again.
Today, will be my 2nd day back to work, juggling home and work once more. Not like I have never done it, ok lah, not too bad. Things are not too bad, since its school holidays, and the kids do not have homework to do . And also since work momentum has not started yet.

How are the kids taking it? They are quite oblivious to the change, since the only the question that came from them and which I thought was quite cute “ Mummy, did your Boss scold you?” They seemed more adaptable since they are already used to going to the childcare. Hope this continues.

I am trying very hard to look at things on the brighter side. So, let’s hope and keep up the positive tone!

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