November 19, 2008

How to manage one’s temper?

This is something that I have not been able to master for so many years. But it is also something that I feel I am in better control when I am at work, rather than at home. Why? Probably at work, one tend to be more civil, courteous and watchful of one’s action, keeping up with appearances etc. However, at home, since you are all comfortable, and it is like the balloon beginning let off its air, you tend to heave a sigh of relief and let go! Phew! And that is when there is no refrain and you say what you want to say.

So, how to prevent from saying the wrong thing and doing the regrettable at home?

Sometimes, when the kids are at loggerhead with each other, I tend to lose it. Resolution: I resolve to walk away the next time it happen again, never taking sides again, never saying ‘you should this , you should that’.

Sometimes, when my daughter repeats the same mistakes or is being lazy at schoolwork, I tend to lose it. Resolution: I will tell her in a firm tone, making sure it is not in any way, intimidating or seen as scolding her. I resolve to listen to her more and after that reason with her. If explanation not taken, I will find a more suitable time to broach the subject with her.

Sometimes, when I have too many things to do at home and everything seems to be waiting for me to complete, I tend to lose it. I would try to prioritise my tasks. The ‘to-do’ list is never ending and one can never complete them. So, I resolve to take things easy. Outsource wherever possible, otherwise close one eye to all those dirt and grease. (this I learn from my husband!)

This is my very own resolution list for year 2009. (Is it too early for a resolution lists?) Maybe more will come. Just one to keep myself in perspective since I am stepping into another “life”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its never too early to have a resolution. In fact I think one should have a resolution all year round, not just at the beginning of the year. :)