July 20, 2010

Be thankful!

Sometimes, the slightest thing can make us grumble, a little comment from your co-worker can provoke us and spoil our whole day, a little mannerism  problem from the kids can set us off . Well, let me tell you, and you know it, it is all not worth it. At the end of the day, we tell ourselves, why did we waste our time, our energy, our youth, our previous feel-good moment on matters as trivial as it could be.

If only human being have a sense of gratitude, we will all be happier. Be thankful for a brand new day that we are able to breathe, that we are able to carry our day-to-day routine, appreciate the flowers that grace the roadside, enjoy the coffee smell from the kopi tiam, or even the cute pup who sometimes make you laugh with their silly antics.

We should focus on what is right today, rather than what irritated us, or who or so-and -o has done or has not done etc.  We should all do this; take a moment during the day, to jot down three things that happened today for which we are grateful.  Why was it good? Who played a role  in what you recalled, and how it impacted your life?  At the end of the day, we will be thoroughly thankful with what we have, the friends we met, the time we share with our family and in turn we will try to spread this good feeling and love to the people around us and make sure they also feel the same.

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