July 23, 2010

Dye hair using natural henna - Part I

Everytime, I see someone who dyes their hair with commercial off-the-shelve products or at the salon, I can't help telling them, " Hei, there is this natural alternative that is healthier and will not have side effect."

I know this, and I can safely guarantee because my mum and hubby have been using this for many years, and my mum has hair softer than mine. She is so proud of her hair and loves it whenever anyone compliments it.

So, you see, the secret is henna; it is a natural herbal product, used by Indians for their traditional designs on their hands and legs. Malays also use it during their 'akad nikah' ceremony.
1) For short hair, half a pack of henna (as in picture above) - only cost RM 2 (cheap cheap)
Long hair - one pack
2) Thick tea
3) 1 tsp of  olive oil
4) 1 egg white

Mix all 4 ingredients above until it becomes paste like. Texture is important as too watery means it will drip all over when we comb into the hair, too dry makes combing difficult. After a good texture is obtained, comb henna paste into hair (start from the hair at the back layer by layer, you need to bend the head down) . Preferably get your hubby/wife/girlfren/boyfren to do for you, to get optimum result.

After the whole head of hair is thoroughly covered with henna paste, wrap the head with shower caps (3 layers) and maybe cover with another layer of towel or cap. This has the natural body heat effect like when you have a hair treatment in the salon with those machines heating your hair up! Keep this on for 5 hours. Meanwhile, you can go about your daily routine. After that, wash it off without shampoo. Only wash your hair with shampoo on the next day to ensure colour stays.

The result is the part of the hair that is white, will be reddish brown. Some like the colour, some don't. But it is better than having white hairs on your head, right?

Happy dyeing hair! We want to be pretty and healthy at the same time. So, this is a good alternative that I would like to share with everyone.

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