May 19, 2010

Blender cum pot

Now, I read and heard about the 10 grains, but didn't bother to change my diet, thinking it cumbersome to cook. Now, I came across it again, by accident, when I was getting this blender cum pot for my cancer stricken aunty. Blogged about the goodness of 10 grains, now I will tell you a little about this blender cum pot.

Some of you may have heard of Cosmo Soylove ("yang shen qi I") . It is a thermos like pot that comes with a filter barrel and a blades (as in a blender). It boils, cook and blends in 30 minutes! I can't find an easier way to cook the 10 grains and make my whole family eat. This is the way to a healthier life!

So, I have tried some recipes recommended. 10 grains with sweet potato/sweet corn, 10 grains with pumpkin, 10 grains with black sesame etc. This morning, I tried 10 grain with mushroom/potato/ onion/chicken (its my innovation with a little tips from the recipe book) and ta da... its yummy mushroom soup for the kids! And they like it so much. Of course it does not confine to only 10 grain. You can make soy bean drink or in Korea, (where this pot originates), people make soy tofu. You can also make soups eg. pumpkin soup, spinach soup etc or baby food that needs to be soft and blended. I have not tried the other recipes, but I can say, I am impressed with this gadget.
My initial plan was to get one, so that my aunty who has intestine/colon cancer and just undergone a major operation can consume 10 grains/ other food that cancer patients can eat since she does not have much appetite. After watching the demo, my husband decided to get another unit for our family so that we can enjoy the goodness of healthy food esp. 10 grains. My mother-in law who is diabetic also will be able to enjoy its benefit.
So, here I am sharing with you this wonderful invention.

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