April 3, 2010

What I resolved (not) to do?

1st April
You know, I have been losing my cool again these few days. The kids have been rather stubborn and would forget simple things that need to be done. This is especially the case with my daughter.

She would not close the door when she goes to the toilet, or change her clothes anytime, anywhere. We told her countless time that she is growing up and she needs to know how to conceal her nakedness, but she would still be the same. She cannot be bothered to flush the toilet after use, and makes the toilet all smelly.

These day, with the crazy weather, I will ask them to drink a lot of water. 2 bottles a day, 1 bottle before school and one bottle at the school. That is not too much, right? But they will not finish the water. And I will be at wit’s end, worrying whether they will get sick etc.

School work is not heavy these days, coz many of the teachers don’t come to class. That is another problem. But anyway, with the few homework, she still would not write the Daily Homework List, though I have reminded her countless times. Things that she uses/takes out from the cupboards will lay there, until I tell her to tidy up. Sometimes, I wonder if she is just plain lazy or really absent minded.

I know I should be patient. Actually, I have been, haven’t I? But I also believe, that we should not give in to the kids all the time, or they will start to climb on top of your head and demand the heaven and earth. So, what should I do? The feeling was lovely, after I came back from the Round Table 3-day training. But, how do you sustain it? How do I keep the cool and calm spirit in the face of reality? How do you not get agitated when you face countless heartbreaking situation?

I may not have the answer. But I do know that it might be true she is absent minded, it might be true that she is lazy. And since I know she is like that, why should I get all angry? I should think of another way to get out of this. And since I am the adult, I should have more control on my feelings and action.

Love her unconditionally. Ask yourself, are any of the above very detrimental to her I don’t nag her.
Closing toilet door and nakedness – she will learn eventually. So let it be. Try not saying it for a week.
Flushing toilet bowl – the most is the toilet bowl gets yellow. She will also learn eventually. So let it be too.
Water – I still will continue make them drink more water. But perhaps, I shall relax from 2 bottles to 1 and half of a bottle. Maybe I will use other more interesting ways to make them see that water is important for our body.
Daily Homework List – if she does not update in the list, it does not mean that homework/correction does not get done. It just means that she is not conscientious (as usual). So, as long as she knows how to take out her homework (without me nagging her), it should be acceptable. This is quite hard to ignore for me. I will still stress the importance for Hahn and remind her daily, and hopefully, she will follow too.

So, that is what I will do. And wish me success in the coming week, ok? Hopefully, I will not nag again. (ya, right...)

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