September 11, 2008


10th September, 4pm

I must quickly pen this down, else I might just miss out the details. Today, I had 6 kids ranging from 5 to 9years old coming to have their ‘playtime’ at my house.

It has been a long plan to have my kids’ friends over at our place, but it just never worked out. Since this week is UPSR exam week, and the kids are very free with 3 days of holidays, I thought why not. After all, how difficult is it to handle 6 kids.

It was to be only a 3 hour session since they have other programs at the childcare in the afternoon. Phew! Anyway, I had the activities all planned out and the kids were going to have the time of their life!, and Aunty Lee Sar is going to be the best aunty in the world!

First, my daughter introduced them to our house, bringing them everywhere. See how excited she is to have her friends over! I have to add that there are actually five girls and a boy, my son being the only thorn among the roses. Anyway Yi Hahn is not about to miss the fun, coz he wants to play with all the ‘jie jie’ too.

Then, it is Barbie Doll and Little Pony time. So, out came all the dollies The girls really had their imagination at play, setting up Barbie , Polly and Lila for a Genting excursion. . It is really a girly thing, I am beginning to regret having my son join this playgroup. Anyway, my son came out with all his Batman cars and Transformers too. Not wanting to leave him out, I let him show off his skills at transforming his Iron Hide. And he was brimming from side to side after that.

After that, I think it was some time for highlight of the day. We had some ‘ice- cream decorating’ time. We had chocolate rice, smarties, peanuts, cookies to decorate the ice cream. While the ice-cream melted, the kids heart melted, I think. YI Hahn was so cute with his face smudged with ice cream. You should see the video I recorded of the kids. I wonder if I can post it here (... still need to study how to use ths blogsite)

Then, it is time to show them some crafts. Though only mastered this morning after several SOS calls to my mother, I managed to actually showed the kids how to make small boxes from used greeting cards. The kids started off with some enthusiasm but after that, some of them started getting restless and seemed tired. So, the lesson of the day is, 'kids easily get bored., activities should not last more than 30 minutes'.

The last 15 minutes, was prize giving time which all the kids enjoyed most, (who don’t like prizes). They were delighted after finding their treasure (which were hidden) according to the numbers that were randomly picked by themselves.. Yi Wen picked a number for an eraser and glue present, but I think she preferred the princess notebook that her friend got. Anyway, I told her “you work hard, I have many surprises you know”.(hinting that I would give her another present another day if she show some improvement in her schoolwork)

Well, I had fun, not just the kids. 3 hours is just nice, if it were longer, I wouldn’t have known what else to do with them.

This is one of little luxury that I get to do with my kids, since I am staying at home. I wouldn’t have this chance/ time if I were still struggling at the corporate world. However, I got a call from a recruiter this morning. He has news for me, I am to go for an interview next Tuesday. So, what do I do? Stay at home or join back the the other working mothers? Dilemma…. Anyhow, I will go for the interview and let’s see how this goes.

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