March 20, 2013

A blessing in disguise!

It has been ages since I last updated my blog, mostly, due to I had almost given up on it, since I didn’t feel like writing most of the time, and also due to time constraint.

Recently, I felt like ranting, scribbling here again. This will serve as a reminder, diary, memoirs, short scribbles and what-nots for me or my children to look back on.

Not that I have more time now, but I will try as hard as I can to write in between lunch/dinner preparations, morning breaks, after hanging the laundry or before bedtime etc but I will not force myself, otherwise, it will become another chore. Just as it will be my cooking.

Lately, due to some happenings which is of no relation to me, my mother-in-law has surrendered her dinner cooking duties. For the record, my MIL had been cooking dinner for us ever since ages ago. She cooked dinners Mondays to Thursdays while I handle all the lunches and dinners on other days. It helped a great deal since it gave me some breathing space to do other household chores especially on my full working days. I am more than grateful for her past years’ help, I think it is time for me to manage all meals on my own.

So, starting this week, it is a new challenge for me. There is more groceries to buy, need more recipe ideas, menus to plan etc. However, I am determine that this to not become a chore, but a blessing in disguise. I figured, if I cook , I will have a control over what I feed my family, and I will be able to cut down the oil/salt intake (this is the only downside of eating at my MIL’s). I will be able to ensure no canned food or preserved are used.

This is a good start, making a disadvantageous situation into a blessing with positive thoughts. I will also be able to make the kids help more in the housework, since seeing mummy busy in the kitchen makes them more willing to lend a helping hand.

More to come, this understanding towards my MIL and lovingly preparing the kids’ favourite food, will hopefully, able to send positive vibes to my kids and make them more caring and understanding beings.

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